Kirby's Steakhouse San Antonio

123 N Loop 1604 E
San Antonio , TX  78232

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Kirby's Steakhouse San Antonio, San Antonio

If you find the business is not located at 123 N Loop 1604 E and/or the phone number is not (210) 404-2221 please click the "SEND" button below. Click the play button to the right to watch this company's video. If they don't have one ask them to add one today! Are you looking for merchants offering Casual Dining products and services? Contact Kirby's Steakhouse San Antonio at (210) 404-2221 for more information. If you are the owner of this business please click the image on the left to "Claim your free lising now". If you click the "View Larger Map" link below you can put in your address to get driving directions to Kirby's Steakhouse San Antonio at 123 N Loop 1604 E.


Casual Dining